How to configure the User Dashboard?

The Wheel of Life Pro plugin provides a User Dashboard where users can keep track of their profile and assessment. This User Dashboard includes the following:

  • User Registration: Your readers will be able to register to your website and manage their profiles.
  • Dashboard: This tab provides you with access to all the helpful resources and graph result of your latest assessment.
  • Assessments: It lists all the Wheels you have published and also inlcudes the Call to Action button for starting the assessment right away.
  • History: This tab displays the scores under each Wheel Row in all the past assignments.
  • Profile: Users can edit their Profile under this tab.

Steps to configure User Dashboard #

1. At first, you need to create a blank page and assign it the User Dashboard template. To do so, navigate to Pages > Add New. You then need to add the below shortcode:


We recommend you select a Full-width sidebar layout.

2. Once you publish the page, navigate to Dashboard > Wheel of Life > Settings > User Dashboard. Here, you will find the settings related to User Dashboard.

The settings are as follows:

  • Dashboard Page: Here you have to select the page you have created earlier with the shortcode.
  • Dashboard Page Shortcode: You can copy the provided shortcode to enter in the Dashboard page.
  • User Registration: Enable this option to allow your readers to register to your website.
  • Generate Username: When this option is enabled, it will automatically generate the username based on the email address provided.
  • Generate Password: Like previous settings, when this setting is enabled, it will automatically generate the password and send it to the reader.
  • Terms and Conditions: Incase, you want to display your terms and conditions on the registration page, you should enable this option.
  • Terms and Conditions Message: Here you can add your terms and conditions message.

Here is how the registration and login forms appear to your readers:

In addition to the login and register, your readers can also reset their password if they are unable to log in. The password reset screen is shown below:

Once the password reset request is submitted, they will automatically receive the email to reset it.